Torches & Research


I’ve spent most of my time since the last update trying to decide on if IMAR31_flora want to continue playing with Makey Makey or if I want to try out FLORA (pictured right) or some other kind of component. In the interest of time I’ve decided that using Makey Makey will be the best of the choices. I’m still tinkering with the process, but will be posting progress within the next week or so for you to see. I want to make sure that I go down all avenues before I commit. I’ve started diagraming the look of the gloves out and will have a scanned picture out for you to see next time.


As for game progress I’m getting there. There’s a lot of components still to add and I’m doing my best to get as much of them done by the time Saturday rolls around. There is another COGG meet up that I’m going to and I want as much done as possible so that I can get feedback. Below is the video of what I’ve updated since last time.


For next week look for updates on game progress and the Makey Makey gloves. Once those two are done I can spend the rest of the time finishing out the trailer and poster designs. I’ll keep you guys updated!